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Castles in the air lyrics by Stratovarius

Stratovarius Castles in the air lyrics
  • track 7 of 11, total running time
  • album Nemesis
  • released in 2013
  • produced by
  • record label
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Nemesis tracklist

released 2013 via

1. Abandon
2. Unbreakable
3. Stand my ground
4. Halcyon days
5. Fantasy
6. Out of the fog
7. Castles in the air lyrics
8. Dragons
9. One must fall
10. If the story is over
11. Nemesis
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Castles in the air song lyrics


When the day turned into night
When the stars run out of light
Will you be there to sing my song
I call your name
To maybe shield the flame
Cause the night is dark and long

In the kingdom of the visible
In the kingdom of the sun
Was a man who saw the years go by
He was always on the run

And the clock ticks fast for everyone
Father time wins every race
And the kingdom of the fading sun
It'll pass without a trace

Our castles in the air
We build them in despair
But maybe there is no one to answer your prayer
Our castles in the air
We build them in despair
But you can help me smile on this road to nowhere

There's a small black hole inside my heart
And it's just the size of you
And the road goes on forevermore
And we will turn to dust

Holding on to hope against the hope
While the silence rages on
We would like to try to shield the flame
While we climb a burning rope

Our castles in the air
We build them in despair
But maybe there is no one to answer your prayer
Our castles in the air
We build them in despair
But you can help me smile on this road to nowhere

When the day turned into night
When the stars run out of light
Will you be there to sing my song
I call your name
To maybe shield the flame
Cause the night is dark and long

More info about Castles in the air lyrics

check here the lyrics for Castles in the air, the 7th song of the 11 recorded for the album Nemesis, with a total running time of , by Stratovarius. It was released on via , and produced by .
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