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Ill Nino music lyrics

Ill Nino lyrics
Ill Niño is a band from New Jersey. The band was founded in 1998, they had released a demo EP in that same year with Jorge Rosado on vocals and Cristian Machado playing bass. The EP was entitled El Niño, when they were originally called El Niño, after the weather phenomenon. It wasn’t until 1999 that they had officially formalized. After Rosado’s return to his band Merauder, the band held auditions for a new vocalist, but ultimately decided that the best decision was for Cristian Machado to step up to vocals. El Niño, recently having changed their name because it was already being used by another band, then released another demo EP in 2000, the first that was readily available to the public, and they signed with Roadrunner ...
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Ill Nino albums and songs lyrics

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Ill Nino - Till death, la familia lyrics
Till death, la familia lyrics 
Till death, la familia lyrics
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Ill Nino - Epidemia lyrics
Epidemia lyrics 
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Epidemia lyrics
Ill Nino - Dead new world lyrics
Dead new world lyrics 
Dead new world at wikipedia Dead new world at spotify
Dead new world lyrics
Ill Nino - Confession lyrics
Confession lyrics 
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Confession lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Ill Nino music. Our databases have 4 albums and a total of 43 songs of Ill Nino lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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