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Too Good To Be True lyrics by Motorhead

Motorhead Too Good To Be True lyrics
  • track 8 of 11, total running time
  • album March or Die
  • released in 1992
  • produced by
  • record label
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Too Good To Be True song lyrics

I saw some sad times I said
I'd had enough of heartbreak
I told myself that I could never fall again
Then sure as fate she came, I,
Just had to get to her and,
She gave me all her numbers, gave me all her names

Cold and lonely without you
Don't know if I can make it through,
Maybe you'll hear this song
You been gone way too long,
Too good to let it go, too good to be true

We left and we went home,
I looked into her eyes, thunder in my heart,
And we were joined forever
Our bodies slick together,
I told her everything, confessions in the dark

Cold and lonely without you
Don't know if I can make it through,
Maybe you'll hear this song
You been gone way too long,
Too good to let it go, too good to be true

She painted inspiration
Onto my fractured soul, I
Was never sure she knew how much she meant to me
She never trusted me, I know she didn't see
The night she left she killed the heart inside of me

Cold and lonely without you
Don't know if I can make it through,
Maybe you'll hear this song
You been gone way too long,
Too good to let it go, too good to be true

Cold and lonely without you
Don't know if I can make it through,
Maybe you'll hear this song
You been gone way too long,
Too good to let it go, too good to be true

More info about Too Good To Be True lyrics

check here the lyrics for Too Good To Be True, the 8th song of the 11 recorded for the album March or Die, with a total running time of , by Motorhead. It was released on via , and produced by .
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