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Pantera music lyrics

Pantera lyrics
Pantera was an extremely popular metal band from Arlington, Texas, formed in 1981. Specifically, some fans consider them power metal, groove metal, or an amalgamation of both (so called “power groove”, a term the band devised themselves). Emerging alongside influential classic thrash metal acts such as Slayer, Metallica, Megadeth, and Anthrax, Pantera was a key formulator of the post-thrash subgenre of heavy metal music. At the start of the career the style of Pantera’s image and sound was heavily influenced by bands like Kiss & Van Halen. At certain stages, Pantera drew more on the popular LA glam scene. The extent to how far Pantera took the glam image is one of many disputes among fans of heavy metal and those ...
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Pantera albums and songs lyrics

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Pantera - Reinventing The Steel lyrics Reinventing The Steel lyrics
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Pantera - 101 Proof - Official Live lyrics 101 Proof - Official Live lyrics
Pantera - The Great Southern Trendkill lyrics The Great Southern Trendkill lyrics
Pantera - Far beyond driven lyrics Far beyond driven lyrics
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Pantera - Cowboys from hell lyrics Cowboys from hell lyrics
Pantera - Power Metal lyrics
Power Metal lyrics 
Power Metal at wikipedia
Power Metal lyrics
Pantera - I Am The Night lyrics
I Am The Night lyrics 
I Am The Night at wikipedia
I Am The Night lyrics
Pantera - Projects In The Jungle lyrics Projects In The Jungle lyrics
Pantera - Metal Magic lyrics
Metal Magic lyrics 
Metal Magic at wikipedia
Metal Magic lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Pantera music. Our databases have 10 albums and a total of 111 songs of Pantera lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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