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Dark matter lyrics by Pearl Jam

Pearl Jam Dark matter lyrics
  • track 4 of 11, total running time 48:21
  • album Dark matter
  • released in April 19, 2024
  • produced by Andrew Watt
  • record label Monkeywrench Records / Republic Records
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Dark matter tracklist

released 2024 via Monkeywrench Records / Republic Records

1. Scared of fear
2. React, respond
3. Wreckage
4. Dark matter lyrics
5. Won't tell
6. Upper hand
7. Waiting for stevie
8. Running
9. Something special
10. Got to give
11. Setting sun
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Dark matter song lyrics

Steal the lights from our eyes
Take my blood from my heart
We're in all of this dark matter

Take the breaths from my chest
Take the pulse and I'm [?]
We're losing time, dark matter

Denounce the demagogues
King diamond to discard
Deploy the dialogue
Your word against the law

It's strange these days
When everybody else pays
For someone else's mistake
This blame takes shape
Still everybody else pays
For someone else's mistake

You're running away
We're pulling apart
In all of this dark matter

I once had a [?]
Or is it the press
No one knows what happens next

Renounce the demigods
King diamond to discard
Deploy the dialogue
Your word against the law

It's strange these days
When everybody else pays
For someone else's mistake
This blame takes shape
Still everybody else pays
For someone else's mistake

No tolerance for intolerance so I've
No patience left for impatience no more
No love lost for lost loves
No sorrow for the unaccountable

It's strange these days
When everybody else pays
For someone else's mistake
This blame takes shape
Still everybody else pays
For someone else's mistake

More info about Dark matter lyrics

check here the lyrics for Dark matter, the 4th song of the 11 recorded for the album Dark matter, with a total running time of 48:21, by Pearl Jam. It was released on April 19, 2024 via Monkeywrench Records / Republic Records, and produced by Andrew Watt.
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