Gonna see my friend song lyrics
Do you wanna hear something sick?
We are but victims of desire
I'm gonna shake this thing
I wanna shake this pain before I retire
I?m gonna see my friend,.. I'm gonna see my friend
Make it go away
I?m sick of everything,.. gonna see my friend
Make it go away
Buona Sera, won?t be long before we
All walk off the wire
I?m gonna see my friend,.. I'm gonna see my friend
for what I require
Buona sera, cut my quick
Don?t? want my flame to get no higher.
I'm gonna see my friend,.. I'm gonna see my friend,.. Make it go away
I'm sick of everything,.. I'm gonna see my friend,.. Make it go away
I'm gonna see my friend,.. I'm gonna see my friend,.. Make it go away
Wanna leave it all
Wanna give it up
Wanna see it, gone once & for all
Wanna feel withdrawal
Want an overhaul
Wanna be there, hard as a statue
Black as a tattoo, never to wash away
Gonna take me an astral plane
I'm gonna tunnel through denial
I?m gonna shake this thing
I wanna shake this pain 'for I retire
I'm gonna see my friend,.. I'm gonna see my friend,.. Make it go away
I'm sick of everything,.. I'm gonna see my friend,.. Make it go away
I'm gonna see my friend,.. I'm gonna see my friend,.. Make it go away
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lyrics for Gonna see my friend, the 1th song of the 11 recorded for the album Backspacer, with a total running time of , by Pearl Jam. It was released on via , and produced by .