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Around the bend lyrics by Pearl Jam

Pearl Jam Around the bend lyrics
  • track 13 of 13, total running time
  • album No code
  • released in 1996
  • produced by
  • record label
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No code tracklist

released 1996 via

1. Sometimes
2. Hail, hail
3. Who you are
4. In my tree
5. Smile
6. Off he goes
7. Habit
8. Red mosquito
9. Lukin
10. Present tense
11. Mankind
12. I'm open
13. Around the bend lyrics
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Around the bend song lyrics

I am wishing you a well
Mind at peace within yourself
Covers up, I cast you off
I'll be watchin' as you breathe
I lie still, you move, I send you off around the bend

I hold your head deep in my arms
My fingertips, they close your eyes
Off you dream my little child
There's a sun around the bend (2X)

All the evenings close like this
All these moments that I've missed
Please forgive me, won't you dear
Please forgive and let me share
With you around the bend

You're an angel when you sleep
How I want your soul to keep
On and on around the bend

More info about Around the bend lyrics

check here the lyrics for Around the bend, the 13th song of the 13 recorded for the album No code, with a total running time of , by Pearl Jam. It was released on via , and produced by .
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