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Terror music lyrics

Terror lyrics
Many bands with the same name: 1) Terror, a metallic hardcore band from Los Angeles, California. The band formed in early 2002. Though the group consider themselves a “hardcore” band, guitarist Doug Weber says Terror, “sounds like all of the old metal bands I used to listen to. It’s just not crazy Swedish metal or something, it sounds like old thrash.” Terror has been very successful in their time as a band. Their album One with the Underdogs sold over 40,000 copies. They have also been on tours throughout Europe, Australia, Brazil and Japan. Their newest album, Always the Hard Way reached #10 on Billboard’s Heatseekers and #19 on Top Independent Records. Before Terror, vocalist Scott Vogel was...
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Terror albums and songs lyrics

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Terror - Sink to the hell lyrics
Sink to the hell lyrics 
Sink to the hell at spotify
Sink to the hell lyrics
Terror - Total retaliation lyrics
Total retaliation lyrics 
Total retaliation at Total retaliation at spotify
Total retaliation lyrics
Terror - The walls will fall lyrics The walls will fall lyrics
Terror - Keepers of the faith lyrics
Keepers of the faith lyrics 
Keepers of the faith at
Keepers of the faith lyrics
Terror - The damned, the shamed lyrics The damned, the shamed lyrics
Terror - Always the hard way lyrics Always the hard way lyrics
Terror - One with the underdogs lyrics One with the underdogs lyrics
Terror - Lowest Of The Low lyrics
Lowest Of The Low lyrics 
Lowest Of The Low at wikipedia
Lowest Of The Low lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Terror music. Our databases have 8 albums and a total of 86 songs of Terror lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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