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Deathbeds lyrics by Bring Me The Horizon

Bring Me The Horizon Deathbeds lyrics
  • track 15 of 15, total running time 44:11
  • album Sempiternal
  • released in April 1, 2013
  • produced by Terry Date
  • record label RCA - Epitaph
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Eyes like a car crash
I know I shouldn't look but I can't turn away.
Body like a whiplash salt my wounds
but I can't heal the way I feel about you.

I watch you like a hawk
I watch you like I'm gonna tear you limb from limb
Will the hunger ever stop?
Can we simply starve this sin?

That little kiss you stole
It held my heart and soul
And like a deer in the headlights I meet my fate
Don't try to fight the storm
You'll tumble overboard
Tides will bring me back to you

And on my deathbed all ill see is you
The life may leave my lungs
But my heart will stay with you

That little kiss you stole
It held my heart and soul
And like a ghost in the silence I disappear
Don't try to fight the storm
You'll tumble overboard
Tides will bring me back you

The waves will pull us under
Tides will bring me back to you

More info about Deathbeds lyrics

check here the lyrics for Deathbeds, the 15th song of the 15 recorded for the album Sempiternal, with a total running time of 44:11, by Bring Me The Horizon. It was released on April 1, 2013 via RCA - Epitaph, and produced by Terry Date.
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