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Urbandux music lyrics

Urbandux lyrics
” A PUNCH OF PURE ENERGY “ Their sound has been defined as a mixture between the most rabid Rock, poisoned in Metal, and the beauty of Pop and Soul melodies, without any prejudice, always looking for a feeling to transmit and taking care of their songs. Their first album “Songs From The Flesh” edited in 2004, got the heat from the audience and critics since the first moment, both treating it as one of the best Spanish rock albums of the year, appearing in most of national magazines as one of the brand new surprises of the moment. In the fall of 2005 at the end of the tour, they decided to settle their shrine in Gothenburg (Sweden), and move there all together to start working on their second album...
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Urbandux albums and songs lyrics

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Urbandux - The aftermath lyrics
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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Urbandux music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 24 songs of Urbandux lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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