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Rewind forward lyrics by Ringo Starr

Ringo Starr Rewind forward lyrics
  • track 3 of 4, total running time 14:50
  • album Rewind forward
  • released in October 12, 2023
  • produced by Ringo Starr
  • record label
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Rewind forward tracklist

released 2023 via

1. Shadows on the wall
2. Feeling the sunlight
3. Rewind forward lyrics
4. Miss jean
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What's your name
Where are you going to
What's your game
Shadows are showing thru
How can I
Try to convince you
That love and peace and kindness can change your world

Everyday there's a new sun rising
Rising up into the night
Everyday there's a new horizon
Everywhere another mountain to climb
Everyday another lesson to learn
Everywhere another page to turn
Reach for the Stars
Rewind Forward
Rewind Forward

I read all the news
Heard all the chatter
Just looking for truth
Everything matters
We got to stay with it
The best that we can
Right now this is my truth
I'm telling you man

Everyday there's a new sun rising
Rising up into the night
Everyday there's a new horizon
Everywhere another mountain to climb
Everyday another lesson to learn
Everywhere another page to turn
Reach for the Stars
Rewind Forward
Rewind Forward

Everyday there's a new sun rising
Rising up into the night
Everyday there's a new horizon
Everywhere another mountain to climb
Everyday another lesson to learn
Everywhere another page to turn
Reach for the Stars
Rewind Forward
Rewind Forward
Rewind Forward

More info about Rewind forward lyrics

check here the lyrics for Rewind forward, the 3th song of the 4 recorded for the album Rewind forward, with a total running time of 14:50, by Ringo Starr. It was released on October 12, 2023 via , and produced by Ringo Starr.
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