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Oceansize music lyrics

Oceansize lyrics
Oceansize were a British band who combined heavy rock with several progressive/experimental elements. They formed in 1998, and funded themselves through various jobs including writing music for arcade games and building/repairing helicopters. At the start of 2001 they were named ‘Best Unsigned Band in Manchester’ by the Manchester Evening News. The A Very Still Movement EP was released that August, and the band enjoyed support slots with the likes of Elbow, Lift to Experience, and The Cooper Temple Clause and in March 2002 were asked to open the BPI stage at the SxSW festival in Austin, Texas appearing alongside Elbow and Oxide and Neutrino. In June 2002 Oceansize secured a contract with Beggars Banquet Records; their first ...
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Oceansize albums and songs lyrics

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Oceansize - Frames lyrics
Frames lyrics 
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Frames lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Oceansize music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 18 songs of Oceansize lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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