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Yungblud music lyrics

Yungblud lyrics
Yungblud is Dominic Harrison from Doncaster, United Kingdom, an indie rock musician whose debut track, King Charles, a proper 21st century protest song, was released in the Summer of 2017. 'King Charles' is two and a half minutes of rage against the system. The tune's driving back-beat almost makes it resemble a hip-hop crossover. The name "YUNGBLUD" came from him being the youngest member of his management roster. His manager used to call him "The Youngblood". Dominic decided that "Dominic Harrison" was a little too polite for the music he was writing so he started trying to figure out a stage name to call himself, as he was trying to figure it out, his manager walked into the room and said "Alright, youngblood?" which gave him the idea to use that as a stage name, and then decided that "Double the U, double the flavour" so it became "YUNGBLUD"....
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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Yungblud music. Our databases have 4 albums and a total of 40 songs of Yungblud lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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