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Brent Cobb music lyrics

Brent Cobb lyrics
Brent Cobb (born in Americus, Georgia) is an American country music singer-songwriter. If the love of music can follow a bloodline then you could say that writer & recording artist Brent Cobb was born to be a musician. In fact, so many members of Brent?s extended family have musical ability that he can?t really name them all. Music was not only in his blood, it was played and heard in his home as a child and in the homes of most of his relatives throughout his youth. As this 24-year-old native of Americus, Georgia, would say, ?It goes way deep.? Deep as it was, there was no way that he could know growing up that these same familial ties would lead him on a crazy journey that would take him from small town Georgia to the mean streets of LA and back home again, eventually landing him in N...
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Brent Cobb albums and songs lyrics

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Brent Cobb - Keep em on they toes lyrics Keep em on they toes lyrics
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Brent Cobb - Shine on a rainy day lyrics Shine on a rainy day lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Brent Cobb music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 20 songs of Brent Cobb lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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