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Joji music lyrics

Joji lyrics
George Miller, known by his stage name Joji, is a Japanese-Australian singer-songwriter, record producer and former YouTube personality. In 2013, on the DizastaMusic YouTube channel, Miller created the video "Do the Harlem Shake (Original)," which originated from a clip of the video "Filthy Compilation #6 ? Smell My Fingers",the video has been viewed 60 million times (as of February 2019). The original clip led to the creation of the Harlem Shake meme, which was directly responsible for the debut of Baauer's "Harlem Shake" song atop the Billboard Hot 100. In addition to the DizastaMusic channel (inactive since 2015), he has operated two other channels: TooDamnFilthy (a secondary channel) and TVFilthyFrank (main channel). His absurdist YouTube channel, now defunct, consisted of music,...
Joji official site Joji at spotify Joji at Joji at youtube Joji at wikipedia Joji at myspace 1285 views

Joji albums and songs lyrics

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Joji - Nectar lyrics
Nectar lyrics 
Nectar at Nectar at wikipedia Nectar at spotify
Nectar lyrics
1. Ew  
2. Modus  
3. Tick tock  
4. Daylight  
5. Upgrade  
6. Gimme love  
7. Run  Run Youtube video included
8. Sanctuary  
9. High hopes  
10. Nitrous  
11. Pretty boy  
12. Normal people  
13. Afterthought  
14. Mr. hollywood  
15. 777  
16. Reanimator  
17. Like you  
18. Your man  
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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Joji music. Our databases have 1 albums and a total of 18 songs of Joji lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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