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Jonsi music lyrics

Jonsi lyrics
Jón Þór Birgisson is the lead singer and guitarist for Sigur Rós and half of Jónsi & Alex, known for his soft falsetto voice . He released his solo debut album, Go, on April 6, 2010. Birgisson grew up in Iceland, raised by parents who weren't particularly musical; his early memories include playing The Beatles at double speed on his turntable and listening to and playing along with Iron Maiden records. You can hear him speak at length about his musical past and loves in a recent episode of "All Songs Considered," in which Birgisson plays guest DJ. His history as Sigur Ros' singer and guitarist spans 16 years, during which time the band has released five studio albums and coined a unique sound that has yet to be matched by any act since....
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Jonsi albums and songs lyrics

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Jonsi - Shiver lyrics
Shiver lyrics 
Shiver at Shiver at wikipedia Shiver at spotify
Shiver lyrics
1. Exhale  
2. Shiver  
3. Cannibal  
4. Wildeye  
5. Sumario sem aldrei kom  
6. Salt licorice  
7. Hold  
8. Swill  
9. Grenade  
10. Beautiful boy  
11. Korall  
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Jonsi - Go lyrics
Go lyrics 
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Go lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Jonsi music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 20 songs of Jonsi lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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