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Gluecifer music lyrics

Gluecifer lyrics
Gluecifer was a hard rock band based in Oslo, Norway. Formed in 1994, they produced several underground releases during their first years of existence and soon claimed, with typical arrogance, to be “kings of rock”. In 1997, the album “Ridin’ the Tiger” (released by legendary record label White Jazz) provided an artistic and commercial breakthrough and placed Gluecifer among The Hellacopters from Sweden at the forefront of the Scandinavian hard rock wave of the late 90s. “Basement Apes” (2002), their 4th album, saw them signing with Sony Music, and “Automatic Thrill” (2004) became their biggest-selling record to date. The band played at the 2004 Quart Festival as warmup for...
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Gluecifer albums and songs lyrics

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Gluecifer - Automatic Thrill lyrics Automatic Thrill lyrics
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Gluecifer - Basement Apes lyrics
Basement Apes lyrics 
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Basement Apes lyrics
Gluecifer - Tender Is the Savage lyrics Tender Is the Savage lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Gluecifer music. Our databases have 3 albums and a total of 33 songs of Gluecifer lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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