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Neon Trees music lyrics

Neon Trees lyrics
Neon Trees is an alternative rock/new wave band which formed in Provo, Utah in 2005, with origins in Southern California. Formed initially by neighbors Tyler Glenn (lead vocals/keyboards) and Chris Allen (guitars), the band made its first home in Provo, eventually adding Branden Campbell (bass) and Elaine Bradley (drums/vocals) to the lineup. In 2010, the band's single "Animal" peaked at #1 on the Billboard Alternative Songs chart. Although a well known band in Provo, the band didn't receive nationwide exposure until late 2008 when they were chosen as openers for several of The Killers' North American tour dates. Not long after, the band was signed by major record label Mercury Records in early 2009. Additionally, the group was voted Band of the Year in 2009 by City Weekly, a popular Sa...
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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Neon Trees music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 21 songs of Neon Trees lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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