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Run The Jewels music lyrics

Run The Jewels lyrics
Run the Jewels is an American hip-hop duo that consists of emcee/producer El-P and emcee Killer Mike. In 2012, El-P produced Killer Mike's critically acclaimed album R.A.P. Music. The following week, Killer Mike appeared on the track "Tougher Colder Killer", from El-P's album Cancer 4 Cure. Both won the acclaim of media and fans across the globe and led to 2012?s legendary, hugely successful ?Into The Wild? tour. One year later, the duo return to satisfy fan demand, and their own creative urges, as Run The Jewels, cementing their musical alliance with a full album of uncompromisingly raw, forward thinking hip-hop. They released their self-titled debut album, Run the Jewels, on June 26 2013, via Fool's Gold Records to critical acclaim....
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Run The Jewels albums and songs lyrics

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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Run The Jewels music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 23 songs of Run The Jewels lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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