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This day we fight! lyrics by Megadeth

Megadeth This day we fight! lyrics
  • track 2 of 11, total running time
  • album Endgame
  • released in 2009
  • produced by
  • record label
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This day we fight! song lyrics

For this I was chosen because I fear nothing
With confidence I tread through the dead of the night
Off to another war torn, far away battlefield
Wherein lies a daemonic enemy horde

On this day I decide to anoint my fists
Engaging them in the mode of power and war

Stopping at nothing that's short of fulfilling my destiny
Willing to die and I will, after you for what I believe

[Solo - Chris]

A desperate avenger striking fear in their hearts

Invading their dreams before the day even starts

[Solo - Dave]

Whet whit your blood, I sharpen my sword

No turning the other cheek like a coward
Come tomorrow I may lay down and die
But not this day

Sent on an unholy quest, to reduce all those who resist
To the size of their shriveled up souls and scatter them like grist
I vanquished the strangeholds that the netherworld sets for me
The last request of my life is to die killing my enemies

[Solo - Chris]

Bathed in blood up to the horses' bridle
Its death to retreat, there's no chance of survival

[Solo - Dave]

Whet whit your blood, I sharpen my sword

No turning the other cheek like a coward
Come tomorrow I may lay down and die
But not this day, this day we fight!

This day we fight!

Strip the fallen heroes, finish off the wounded
Collect the spoils of war and send them back dead

[Solo - Dave]
[Solo - Chris]
[Solo - Dave]

This day we fight!
This day I fight!

More info about This day we fight! lyrics

check here the lyrics for This day we fight!, the 2th song of the 11 recorded for the album Endgame, with a total running time of , by Megadeth. It was released on via , and produced by .
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