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Seven lyrics by Megadeth

Megadeth Seven lyrics
  • track 10 of 12, total running time
  • album Risk
  • released in 1999
  • produced by
  • record label
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Full of greed you sell your soul
Full of pride a heavy load
You eat yourself gluttony
Resent yourself you envy me

Everything turns into wrath
You lust yourself to death

Deep fears that drive us
Hid beneath disguises
Judge the world within
Forgive my deadly sins

Procrastination always giving up
Something better comes to interrupt
Cast your verdict down to me
Spare me your bleeding sympathy

Only care how you appear
Clearly see you can't see clear

Deep fears that drive us
Hid beneath disguises
Judge the world within
Forgive my deadly sins

Greed, gluttony, pride, envy, wrath, sloth, lust, deadly seven
Seven deadly sins of mine

On every street
And corner lie
These seven deadly sins of mine

More info about Seven lyrics

check here the lyrics for Seven, the 10th song of the 12 recorded for the album Risk, with a total running time of , by Megadeth. It was released on via , and produced by .
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