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High speed dirt lyrics by Megadeth

Megadeth High speed dirt lyrics
  • track 7 of 11, total running time
  • album Countdown to extinction
  • released in 1992
  • produced by
  • record label
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High speed dirt song lyrics

Do it if you dare
Leaping from the sky
Hurling thru the air
Exhilarating high
See the earth below
Soon to make a crater
Blue sky, black death
I'm off to meet my maker

Energy of the gods, adrenalin surge
Won't stop til I hit the ground, I'm on my way for sure
Up here in the air, this will never hurt
I'm on my way to impact, taste the high speed dirt

Paralyzed with fear
Feel velocity gain
Entering a near
Catatonic state
Pressure of the sound
Roaring thru my head
Crash into the ground
Damned if I'll be dead


Jump or die!

Solo - Dave
Solo - Marty

Dropping all my weight
Going down full throttle
The pale horse awaits
Like a genie in a bottle
Fire in my veins
Faster as I go
I forgot my name
I'm a dirt torpedo

Solo - Marty

High speed dirt...
High speed dirt...
High speed dirt...
High speed dirt...
High speed dirt...
High speed dirt...
High speed dirt...
High speed dirt...

Solo - Dave

More info about High speed dirt lyrics

check here the lyrics for High speed dirt, the 7th song of the 11 recorded for the album Countdown to extinction, with a total running time of , by Megadeth. It was released on via , and produced by .
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