Bestow upon me knowledge
Wizard - all knowing all wise
I want to rule this kingdom
Make sweet the breeze now defiled
Dethrone the evil prince's iron fist
In velvet gloves of sin
Parade the grey robed monks
The vestal virgins, wheel the wyvern's in
Let the ceremony
consecrate the marriage
Let me be the protege
Of five magics
Give me alchemy
Magic if you please
Master all of these
Bring him to his knees
I master five magics
Possessed with hellish torment
I master magic "5"
Hunting the abyss lord
Only one will stay alive
He who lives by the sword
Will surely also die
He who lives in sin
Will surely live the lie
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lyrics for Five Magics, the 4th song of the 9 recorded for the album Rust in peace, with a total running time of , by Megadeth. It was released on via , and produced by .