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502 lyrics by Megadeth

Megadeth 502 lyrics
  • track 5 of 8, total running time
  • album So far, so good... so what!
  • released in 1988
  • produced by
  • record label
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So far, so good... so what! tracklist

released 1988 via

1. Into The Lungs Of Hell Into The Lungs Of Hell Youtube video included
2. Set The World Afire Set The World Afire Youtube video included
3. Anarchy In The U.K. Anarchy In The U.K. Youtube video included
4. Mary Jane Mary Jane Youtube video included
5. 502 lyrics
6. In My Darkest Hour In My Darkest Hour Youtube video included
7. Liar Liar Youtube video included
8. Hook In Mouth Hook In Mouth Youtube video included
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Pull over, shithead, this is the cops

Full tanks, pocket lined with cash
Full throttle, gonna rip some ass
Drive all day, and through the night
Romance the road,winding left to right

The stars above guide me, the moonlight is free
A feeling inside me, and the whole world to see

Driving fast makes me feel good
The speed of light trapped under my hood
Breaking laws, 'cause there's nothing to do
Driving the interstate, stopped for a 502

Hundreds of miles rolled of today
Sings lose their meaning, minutes tick away
Dirt roads to interstates, I must have drove them all
Cigarettes and burgers, caffeine and alcohol

Drive until daybreak, always on the go
Life on the freeway, night shift till dawn patrol

Driving fast makes me feel good
The speed of light trapped under my hood
Breaking laws, 'cause there's nothing to do
Driving the interstate, stopped for a 502

Stopped for a 502, next time it's gonna be you
Stars above guide me
This feeling inside me
I drive until daybreak
Life on the freeway is hell
I'm coming through

More info about 502 lyrics

check here the lyrics for 502, the 5th song of the 8 recorded for the album So far, so good... so what!, with a total running time of , by Megadeth. It was released on via , and produced by .
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