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The emperor lyrics by Megadeth

Megadeth The emperor lyrics
  • track 10 of 15, total running time
  • album Dystopia
  • released in 2016
  • produced by
  • record label
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The emperor song lyrics

Come here... closer

Who do you... who do you think you are?
Some kind of superstar? We'll see!
Where do you... where do you think you are?
That shit won't get you far with me

You're just so dashing, you marvel at the sound
Of your own voice, as you crash into the ground

You look so perfect, but everybody knows
Their petrified to say the emperor has no clothes
So bloody perfect, but everybody knows
Their just so petrified, the emperor has no clothes

Just so you know, that's how it goes!

You're bad... you're bad for my health
Because you make me sick, you prick
Don't you know... don't you know who I am?
You know I like your face, to kick

If your lips are moving, I know you must be lying
You even suck the life out of dying

You look so perfect, but everybody knows
Their petrified to say the emperor has no clothes
So bloody perfect, but everybody knows
Their just so petrified, the emperor has no clothes

The house of cards a' falling, luck is running thin
Father forgive him, being a punk is not a sin

You look so perfect, but everybody knows
Their petrified to say the emperor has no clothes
So bloody perfect, but everybody knows
Their just so petrified, the emperor has no clothes

You look so perfect, perfect, the emperor has no clothes
So bloody perfect, perfect, the emperor has no clothes
And everybody knows... except you

More info about The emperor lyrics

check here the lyrics for The emperor, the 10th song of the 15 recorded for the album Dystopia, with a total running time of , by Megadeth. It was released on via , and produced by .
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