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Demons & Wizards music lyrics

Demons & Wizards lyrics
The original goal of the band was to forge the different musical styles of both Iced Earth's dark melodies and Blind Guardian's powerful vocals into one sound. In fact, according to the musicians, the band name is meant to describe the two styles: the self-proclaimed demon-like themes and sounds of Iced Earth and wizard-like themes and sounds of Blind Guardian (The monicker "Demons & Wizards" was inspired by Hansi's wife always referring to him and Jon as "Demons and Angels." Hansi always corrected her that it is more properly stated "Demons and Wizards," in reference to Uriah Heep's album of the same name). The band met with a fair deal of commercial success, though not as much as either of their individual bands. The idea for the band arose in the spring of 1997 after Kürsch and Schaf...
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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Demons & Wizards music. Our databases have 1 albums and a total of 11 songs of Demons & Wizards lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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