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Ultraspank music lyrics

Ultraspank lyrics
Despite boasting an appellation better suited to a top-shelf flagellation magazine than an ear-scorching rock crew, the Los Angeles quintet Ultraspank pummel away with uncompromising metal belligerence. Their sophomore effort after changing their name from Indica in 1996 is a quantum leap forward from their eponymous 1998 debut. Leather-lunged vocalist Pete Murray careens from harmonic restraint to full-tilt throat abuse on the devastating “Crack.” Incubus DJ Chris Kilmore joins the throng on “Stuck,” which also benefits from the contributions of former Ozzy Osbourne knob-twiddler Peter Collins. Ultimately, Ultraspank relies on all-conquering force to steamroller listeners into abject submission. ——&m...
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Ultraspank albums and songs lyrics

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Ultraspank - Progress lyrics
Progress lyrics 
Progress at Progress at wikipedia
Progress lyrics
1. Push  
2. Crumble  
3. Stuck  
4. Feed  
5. Smile  
6. Click  
7. Jackass  
8. Crack  
9. Invite yourself in  
10. Thanks  
11. Left  
12. Where  
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Ultraspank - Ultraspank lyrics
Ultraspank lyrics 
Ultraspank at Ultraspank at wikipedia Ultraspank at spotify
Ultraspank lyrics
1. No, man my hands are dirty  
2. 5  
3. Butter  
4. Slip  
5. Suck  
6. Wrapped  
7. Perfect  
8. Sponge  
9. Fired  
10. Worn  
11. Burnt  
12. Better luck next time  
13. Asphyxiate  
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Ultraspank music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 25 songs of Ultraspank lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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