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The Rentals music lyrics

The Rentals lyrics
An American alternative rock band fronted by Matt Sharp, former bass player for Weezer. The Rentals have released three LPs, Return Of The Rentals (1995), Seven More Minutes (1999), and Lost in Alphaville (2014) and four EPs, The Last Little Life EP (2007), The Story of a Thousand Seasons Past (2009), It's Time to Come Home (2009), and The Future (2009). The 2009 EPs make up the musical end of the Songs About Time project, which also includes daily photos and weekly short films entitled Resilience (2011). Band members on Return Of included Patrick Wilson (also of Weezer) on drums, Rod Cervera (guitar), Tom Grimley (moog), Petra Haden (violin, vocals), and Cherielynn Westrich (vocals, moog). Petra's triplet sister, Rachel Haden, appears as an additional vocalist. After Sharp left Weezer,...
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check here most of album and songs lyrics to The Rentals music. Our databases have 1 albums and a total of 15 songs of The Rentals lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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