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Napalm Death music lyrics

Napalm Death lyrics
Napalm Death is a grindcore/death metal band from Birmingham, England. The band was formed in the village of Meriden near Birmingham, England in 1981 by Nicholas Bullen and Miles Ratledge. Although other groups had previously played fast and aggressive music, Napalm Death is credited with defining the Grindcore genre through its fusion of punk and metal musical structures, aggressive playing, fast tempos, and deep guttural vocals. The group coined the term ‘Grind’ to describe the music they played in reference to the sound of American no wave group Swans. There are no original members left in the band: indeed, the early history of the band is one of constant member rotation - by the second side of its debut album ”S...
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Napalm Death albums and songs lyrics

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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Napalm Death music. Our databases have 22 albums and a total of 308 songs of Napalm Death lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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