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Aborted music lyrics

Aborted lyrics
Aborted is a death metal band that originates from Waregem, Belgium. However, they are now an international band composed with members from Belgium, The Netherlands, and the United States. They were formed in 1995 by vocalist Sven De Caluwé, drummer Steven, bassist Koen and guitarist Niek. A second guitarist Christophe augmented the band in 1997 and later Steven would relinquish the drum stool to Frank. They self-released a demo ?The Necrotorous Chronicles? in 1998. The band then released their full length debut ?The Purity Of Perversion? in 1999 from Uxicon Records. This quickly led to a split album with Christ Denied in 2000 released by Soulreaper Records. The ?Engineering The Dead? album emerged in 2001 on Listenable Records. After Frank left, the band incorporated session drumme...
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Aborted albums and songs lyrics

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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Aborted music. Our databases have 1 albums and a total of 3 songs of Aborted lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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