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Indrama music lyrics

Indrama lyrics
INDRAMA (SPAIN) (ATMOSPHERIC ROCK) InDrama began to take shape in 2008, after years of reflexion by Jesús, the groups’ main creator. From here the other members of the group came together to help create InDrama’s distinctive sound. The music evokes life’s dramatic nature and powerful emotions . Their emotive melodies and harmonies bring the expessiveness of the music close to all listeners. Each of the band’s members has brought their own personal character and expression to the group, it’s music, concepts, and aesthetics. Indrama has become a focussed and well-defined project. Indrama’s musical influences come from many different ...
Indrama official site Indrama at Indrama at myspace 3541 views

Indrama albums and songs lyrics

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Indrama - Timescapes lyrics
Timescapes lyrics 
Timescapes at
Timescapes lyrics
1. Free Me  
2. From ...  
3. Unreal  
4. Tonight  
5. My Dark Soul  
6. Soul's Sound  
7. Distance  
8. Secrets  
9. Stages  
10. Ride With Me  
subscribe amazon music
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Indrama music. Our databases have 1 albums and a total of 10 songs of Indrama lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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