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The last ride lyrics by The Pretenders

The Pretenders The last ride lyrics
  • track 6 of 15, total running time 36:49
  • album Break up the concrete
  • released in October 7, 2008
  • produced by The Pretenders
  • record label Shangri-La Music
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I made my bed but I couldn't sleep in it
With the man in red tracking me minute by minute
Running like a horse
Always looking behind me
But of course he would always find me

Hey buddy
Hey friend
My pal
My brother
We take shelter in each other
I'll keep it simple
You keep it true
I owe my last ride to you

Heaven and hell ride in tandem
I used to mix them up at random
I spent my youth on a reckless futile race
Where love and truth could never place


After all, nobody can save
The mortal body from the grave
Who can arrest the soul's sad journey in its plight?
- one more day to get it right

I decided to stop dying
No more cheatin' no more lyin'
What kind of club opens its gates to sinners like me?
And bids them forth unto eternity


Under the buckeye trees
Where the rubber city grew
I owe the last ride to you

More info about The last ride lyrics

check here the lyrics for The last ride, the 6th song of the 15 recorded for the album Break up the concrete, with a total running time of 36:49, by The Pretenders. It was released on October 7, 2008 via Shangri-La Music, and produced by The Pretenders.
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