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Chelsea Wolfe music lyrics

Chelsea Wolfe lyrics
Chelsea Wolfe (born November 14, 1983 in Roseville, California, U.S.) is an American singer/songwriter and eponymous full band started in 2009 out of Los Angeles, California. Her style has been described as "doom folk", and her music has been described as a "specific brand of drone-metal-art-folk". Chelsea Wolfe was born in Roseville, California, and grew up in Sacramento. She is of Norwegian and German descent. Her father was in a country band and owned a home studio. By the age of 7, she had written her first poem and by the age of 9, had written and recorded songs which she later described as "basically Casio-based gothy R&B songs"....
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Chelsea Wolfe albums and songs lyrics

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check here most of album and songs lyrics to Chelsea Wolfe music. Our databases have 1 albums and a total of 11 songs of Chelsea Wolfe lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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