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Ben Harper music lyrics

Ben Harper lyrics
Ben Harper (born October 28, 1969) is an American grammy-winning singer and songwriter. A native of California, he grew up listening to blues, folk, soul, rnb, and reggae. Harper’s blend of groove-laden funky soul and folky handcrafted acoustics helped him to gain cult status during the course of the 1990s and widespread attention toward the end of the decade. Harper combines elements of classic folk singers, blues revivalists and jam bands and is embraced by critics and college kids alike. Harper’s body of work sells consistently and he tours constantly, building a solid, dedicated fan base. Harper began playing guitar as a child in his hometown of Claremont, California (in California’s Inland Empire). He eventually s...
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Ben Harper albums and songs lyrics

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Ben Harper - Wide open light lyrics Wide open light lyrics
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Ben Harper - Bloodline maintenance lyrics Bloodline maintenance lyrics
Ben Harper - Winter is for lovers lyrics
Winter is for lovers lyrics 
Winter is for lovers lyrics
1. Istambul  
2. Manhattan  
3. Joshua tree  
4. Inland empire  
5. Harlem  
6. Lebanon  
7. London  
8. Toronto  
9. Verona  
10. Brittany  
11. Montreal  
12. Bizanet  
13. Toronto (reprise)  
14. Islip  
15. Paris  
Ben Harper - Dont let me disappear lyrics Dont let me disappear lyrics
Ben Harper - No mercy in this land lyrics No mercy in this land lyrics
Ben Harper - Call it what it is lyrics Call it what it is lyrics
Ben Harper - Get up! (With Charlie Musselwhite) lyrics Get up! (With Charlie Musselwhite) lyrics
Ben Harper - Give till its gone lyrics Give till its gone lyrics
Ben Harper - White lies for dark times lyrics White lies for dark times lyrics
Ben Harper - Diamonds On The Inside lyrics Diamonds On The Inside lyrics
Ben Harper - Live From Mars lyrics
Live From Mars lyrics 
Live From Mars at wikipedia
Live From Mars lyrics
Ben Harper - Burn To Shine lyrics
Burn To Shine lyrics 
Burn To Shine at wikipedia
Burn To Shine lyrics
Ben Harper - The will to live lyrics The will to live lyrics
Ben Harper - Fight for your mind lyrics Fight for your mind lyrics
Ben Harper - Welcome To The Cruel World lyrics Welcome To The Cruel World lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Ben Harper music. Our databases have 15 albums and a total of 167 songs of Ben Harper lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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