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Witchcraft music lyrics

Witchcraft lyrics
Witchcraft are a doom metal band from Sweden. Strongly inspired by the early '70s rock, they play with a heavy and slightly psychedelic rock style typical of other similar stoner doom metal bands. Their music is commonly compared to the likes of Black Sabbath, Pentagram and Jethro Tull. They have released four well-received full length albums to date....
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Witchcraft albums and songs lyrics

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Witchcraft - Black metal lyrics
Black metal lyrics 
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Witchcraft - Cinema lyrics
Cinema lyrics 
Cinema lyrics
1. intro  
2. Silent hill  
3. ?????  
Witchcraft - Witchcraft lyrics
Witchcraft lyrics 
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Witchcraft lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Witchcraft music. Our databases have 3 albums and a total of 21 songs of Witchcraft lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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