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The Fratellis music lyrics

The Fratellis lyrics
The Fratellis are an alternative rock band from Glasgow, Scotland who took their name from the villains in the film "The Goonies" (although, by coincidence, Barry's mother's maiden name is in fact Fratelli). The band consisted of lead vocalist and guitarist Jon Fratelli (real name John Lawler), bass guitarist Barry Fratelli (real name Barry Wallace), and drummer, backing vocalist, occasional guitarist and banjo player Mince Fratelli (real name Gordon McRory). They toured with a pianist / rhythm guitarist, Will Foster. The band has released three albums, 2006's "Costello Music",2008's "Here We Stand" and 2013's "We Need Medicine". They played their first show on March 4, 2005 in the O'Henry's bar in Glasgow across the road from the famous Horseshoe bar, and received their first radio play ...
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The Fratellis albums and songs lyrics

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The Fratellis - In your own sweet time lyrics In your own sweet time lyrics
The Fratellis - Costello music lyrics
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Costello music lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to The Fratellis music. Our databases have 3 albums and a total of 37 songs of The Fratellis lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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