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Kid Rock music lyrics

Kid Rock lyrics
Kid Rock (born Robert James Ritchie on January 17, 1971), is an American singer-songwriter and rapper with five Grammy Award nominations. Kid Rock is known for music that incorporates elements of hip hop, rap metal, blues-rock, hard rock, southern rock, funk and country music. Kid Rock released several studio albums that mostly went unnoticed before his 1998 record Devil Without a Cause, released with Atlantic Records, sold 11 million albums behind the hits, “Bawitdaba”,”Cowboy,” and “Only God Knows Why”. In 2000, he released The History of Rock which was a compilation of remixed and remastered versions of songs from his previous albums as well as the hit single, “American Bad Ass”. In 20...
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Kid Rock albums and songs lyrics

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Kid Rock - Kid Rock lyrics
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Kid Rock - Cocky lyrics
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Kid Rock - The History Of Rock lyrics
The History Of Rock lyrics 
The History Of Rock lyrics
Kid Rock - Devil Without A Cause lyrics
Devil Without A Cause lyrics 
Devil Without A Cause lyrics
Kid Rock - Early Mornin Stoned Pimp lyrics Early Mornin Stoned Pimp lyrics
1. Intro  
2. Emsp  
3. Paid  
4. I Wanna Go Back  
5. Live  
6. Detroit Thang  
7. Ya Keep On  
8. Shotgun Blast  
Kid Rock - The Polyfuze Method lyrics
The Polyfuze Method lyrics 
The Polyfuze Method lyrics
Kid Rock - Grits Sandwiches For Breakfast lyrics Grits Sandwiches For Breakfast lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Kid Rock music. Our databases have 11 albums and a total of 134 songs of Kid Rock lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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