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Andrew WK music lyrics

Andrew WK lyrics
Andrew W.K. was born Andrew Wilkes-Krier in Stanford, California in 1979, before moving to Michigan at age 4. He began piano lessons promptly at age 5, studying at The University Of Michigan School Of Music Pedagogy program. By his early teens Andrew had already exhibited great enthusiasm and talent for both music and the visual arts. He spent his high school years playing drums and keyboard in an almost endless variety of short-lived, but passionate groups, all centered in southeast Michigan's explosive cultural scene. By the age of 17, Andrew had graduated from high school - one year early - in an effort to dedicate all his time to his creative endeavors. He was accepted to The School Of The Art Institute Of Chicago, but instead chose to move to New York City in 1997, at age 18, to pursu...
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Andrew WK albums and songs lyrics

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Andrew WK - Youre not alone lyrics
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Youre not alone lyrics
Andrew WK - I get wet lyrics
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I get wet lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Andrew WK music. Our databases have 3 albums and a total of 38 songs of Andrew WK lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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