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Play god play dead lyrics by Powerman 5000

Powerman 5000 Play god play dead lyrics
  • track 3 of 10, total running time 30:09
  • album The noble rot
  • released in August 28, 2020
  • produced by
  • record label
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You can be replaced
With a prettier face
And somethings aren't allowed
Without the roar of the crowd
But what's the difference anyway
As we delay our own decay
Stay asleep or decide to wake
The only choice that you have to make is

Play god or play dead

Here today gone later today
Ready to take your place is an empty space
We're disposable the noble rot
Believing everything that we're taught
Don't be mistaken
If they come
And promise all but leave you crumbs to...

Play god or play dead

More info about Play god play dead lyrics

check here the lyrics for Play god play dead, the 3th song of the 10 recorded for the album The noble rot, with a total running time of 30:09, by Powerman 5000. It was released on August 28, 2020 via , and produced by .
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