Thank God I'm not done
Thank God I'm not done
Thank God I'm not done
Lying awake, finding a way to hate you
Thank God I'm not done
Thank God I'm not done
Thank God I'm not done
Lying awake, finding a way to hate you
Would you put it for me, put it bleed for me
Would you put it for me
And would you get it for me, would you get it for me
Would you get it for me
Would you put it for me, put it bleed for me
Would you put it for me
And would you get it for me, would you get it for me
Would you get it for me
Thank God I'm not done
Thank God I'm not done
Thank God I'm not done
Lying awake, finding a way to hate you
Thank God I'm not done
Thank God I'm not done
Thank God I'm not done
Lying awake, finding a way to hate you
Lying awake, finding a way to hate you
Lying awake, finding a way to hate you
Fuck you
More info about Thank god lyrics
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lyrics for Thank god, the 7th song of the 10 recorded for the album New wave, with a total running time of 31:00, by Powerman 5000. It was released on October 27, 2017 via Pavement, and produced by Greg Johnson, Spider One.