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Drugstore Fanatics music lyrics

Drugstore Fanatics lyrics
Drugstore Fanatics is an Ambipulsive Rock entity originally formed by drummer Aviv Cohen and guitarist/vocalist Daniel Brecher in Tel Aviv Israel, later to be joined by Ryan Collier (formerly of Opus Dai) and Koichi Fukuda (formerly of Static-X) in Los Angeles. Their debut, entitled What’s Born in the Basement, has been receiving great responses from fans of the Industrial/Ambient, Alt Rock scene since its independent release and is available for free download through their website
Drugstore Fanatics official site Drugstore Fanatics at spotify Drugstore Fanatics at Drugstore Fanatics at youtube Drugstore Fanatics at myspace 3866 views

Drugstore Fanatics albums and songs lyrics

- download Drugstore Fanatics music viabuy amazon music
Drugstore Fanatics - Spielplatz lyrics
Spielplatz lyrics 
Spielplatz at Spielplatz at spotify
Spielplatz lyrics
1. Fraction of a faith  
2. A bowl  
3. Dilligent  
4. Curcus dance  
5. The seed  
6. Short cut  
7. Void  
subscribe amazon music
Drugstore Fanatics - Whats born in the basement lyrics Whats born in the basement lyrics
1. Hangman  Hangman Youtube video included
2. Lonely winter  
3. The boy  
4. You got the ball  You got the ball Youtube video included
5. Ever since  
6. Shifter  
7. The distance  
8. Bullet  
9. Pace protection  
10. The bear march  
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Drugstore Fanatics music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 17 songs of Drugstore Fanatics lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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