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Kenny Wayne Shepherd music lyrics

Kenny Wayne Shepherd lyrics
Kenny Wayne Shepherd (June 12, 1977-) is an American Blues artist. Shepherd was conceived in Shreveport, Louisiana. Self-trained, he started playing guitar at age 7, making sense of Muddy Waters licks from his dad's record gathering. Utilizing his own particular contacts in the record business, Shepherd's dad and chief, Ken Shepherd, helped his child arrive a noteworthy name record manage Giant Records. In 1995, his presentation collection was entitled Ledbetter Heights and included unique material and a couple of spreads. He as of late changed over to Catholicism and conquered an enslavement issue, and that is turned into a topic of his present work. He is hitched to Hannah Gibson, little girl of Actor Mel Gibson. Dislike Danny Glover in "Deadly Weapon", Gibson remained cool. ;- ) ...
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Kenny Wayne Shepherd albums and songs lyrics

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Kenny Wayne Shepherd - Lay it on down lyrics
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Kenny Wayne Shepherd - Trouble is... lyrics
Trouble is... lyrics 
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Trouble is... lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Kenny Wayne Shepherd music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 22 songs of Kenny Wayne Shepherd lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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