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Pressure under fire lyrics by Gov't Mule

Govt Mule Pressure under fire lyrics
  • track 3 of 15, total running time 77:13
  • album Revolution come... revolution go
  • released in June 9, 2017
  • produced by Warren Haynes, Gordie Johnson,
  • record label Fantasy Records
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Pressure under fire song lyrics

Just another song about the same thing
Too many have been written
By now you'd think we know better
Maybe just one lonely voice
Is never gonna be enough
We all got to sing it together

Oh, we're all fighting the same thing
We're all traveling down life's road
There's only so much you can do
By yourself
People, we got to share the love
Yeah, we've got to share the love

The next time you hear
Pressure under fire
Living in fear
Of what we don't understand
It all seems so clear
Pressure under fire
And no way to live in this land

We all know how this ends
So many times, so many places
By now you'd think we'd have learned
From any one of those times
That it blew up in our faces
How many times can we be burned?

We keep on moving in the wrong direction
Oh, we keep on heading down the same old track
There's only so much you can take
Only so many times we can turn our backs
People, we can't keep turning our backs

The next time you hear
Pressure under fire
Living in fear
Of what we don't understand
It all seems so clear
Pressure under fire
And no way to live in this land

And the wise man said
Human race is the only race
Oh, you can't dispel darkness with darkness
It's been said so many times
We got to learn to work together
If we're gonna get out of this mess

Just another song about the same thing
So many have been sung
By now you'd think we know better
But next time you hear

Pressure under fire
Living in fear
Of what we don't understand
It all seems so clear
Pressure under fire
And no way to live in this land

Pressure under fire
Living in fear
Of what we don't understand
It all seems so clear
Pressure under fire
And no way to live in this land
No way to live
No way to live in this land

More info about Pressure under fire lyrics

check here the lyrics for Pressure under fire, the 3th song of the 15 recorded for the album Revolution come... revolution go, with a total running time of 77:13, by Gov't Mule. It was released on June 9, 2017 via Fantasy Records, and produced by Warren Haynes, Gordie Johnson,.
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