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Royal Thunder music lyrics

Royal Thunder lyrics
ROYAL THUNDER (Mlny Parsonz ? bass/vocals, Josh Weaver ? guitar, Will Fiore - guitar, Evan Diprima - drums) is an unpleasant shake band that baits audience members in with their dull rhythms and deep vocals. The band framed in 2004 in Atlanta, GA and self-recorded and discharged a seven melody EP in late 2009. Royal Thunder discharged follow up to their self-titled introduction entitled "CVI" in the spring of 2012. The collection incorporates heartfelt, soul-filled, southern styles of music. ROYAL THUNDER discharged their sophomore LP 'Warped Doors' in 2015. The band flawlessly mixes substantial exemplary shake and 90's grunge. Royal Thunder gives hard-hitting live demonstrates that spellbind their crowds....
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Royal Thunder albums and songs lyrics

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Royal Thunder - Wick lyrics
Wick lyrics 
Wick at Wick at spotify
Wick lyrics
1. Burning tree  
2. April showers  
3. Tied  
4. We slipped  
5. The sinking chair  
6. Plans  
7. Anchor  
8. Wick  
9. Push  
10. Turnaround  
11. The well  
12. We never fell asleep  
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Royal Thunder - Crooked doors lyrics
Crooked doors lyrics 
Crooked doors at Crooked doors at spotify
Crooked doors lyrics
1. Time machine  
2. Forget you  
3. Wake up  
4. Floor  
5. The line  
6. Forgive me, karma  
7. Glow  
8. Ear on the fool  
9. One day  
10. The bear I  
11. The bear II  
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Royal Thunder music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 23 songs of Royal Thunder lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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