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Coroner music lyrics

Coroner lyrics
Coroner is a Swiss specialized whip metal band from Zurich, Switzerland shaped in 1983. They collected generally little consideration outside of Europe. Coroner's music consolidates components of whip, dynamic shake, jazz, and modern metal with reasonably blunt vocals. With their undeniably complex style of dynamic shake injected whip, they are frequently named as "the Rush of whip metal" by music faultfinders. Coroner's sound then advanced and the creation turned out to be more refined, bringing about the more dynamic No More Color, Mental Vortex and Grin collections. The Swiss whip trio Coroner were initially street team for Celtic Frost. They in the end shaped their own gathering, recording their demo Death Cult in 1986 with Tom G. Warrior of Celtic Frost on vocals. Their first full-l...
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Coroner albums and songs lyrics

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Coroner - Punishment for decadence lyrics Punishment for decadence lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Coroner music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 17 songs of Coroner lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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