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The New Pornographers music lyrics

The New Pornographers lyrics
The New Pornographers are a Canadian non mainstream shake bunch framed in 1997 in Vancouver, British Columbia. Their sound is impacted by that of such power pop groups as The Cars and Cheap Trick, yet they utilize substantially more modern rhythms and harmony changes. Despite the fact that it was generally detailed that the New Pornographers got their name from a handout put out by TV minister Jimmy Swaggart censuring rock "n" move as "the new erotic entertainment," Carl Newman has expressed that he thought of the name in the wake of viewing Shohei Imamura's The Pornographers (1966). Carl Newman, who composes a large portion of the band's material, has stated, "When I truly began to attempt to compose melodies, my principle impacts were, similar to, Burt Bacharach, Jim Webb, and Brian Wi...
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The New Pornographers albums and songs lyrics

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check here most of album and songs lyrics to The New Pornographers music. Our databases have 2 albums and a total of 22 songs of The New Pornographers lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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