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Gorillaz music lyrics

Gorillaz lyrics
Gorillaz are a British virtual band framed in 1998 by Damon Albarn of Blur, and Jamie Hewlett, co-maker of the comic book Tank Girl. They had the thought to make the band while viewing MTV in their London level and initially proposed to call the venture Gorilla. The band comprises of four anecdotal band individuals: 2-D (vocals, console), Murdoc Niccals (bass), Noodle (guitar, vocals), and Russel Hobbs (drums). These characters just show up in vivified frame and are not change self images of genuine individuals, as is regularly erroneously expected. There is a broad anecdotal back-story behind these band individuals, composed by Albarn and Hewlett. Their collections, a few of their music recordings, and their personal book Rise Of The Ogre all tell the adventure. Damon Albarn is the main...
Gorillaz official site Gorillaz at spotify Gorillaz at Gorillaz at youtube Gorillaz at wikipedia Gorillaz at myspace 3294 views

Gorillaz albums and songs lyrics

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Gorillaz - Cracker Island lyrics
Cracker Island lyrics 
Cracker Island at Cracker Island at wikipedia Cracker Island at spotify
Cracker Island lyrics
subscribe amazon music
Gorillaz - Meanwhile lyrics
Meanwhile lyrics 
Meanwhile at spotify
Meanwhile lyrics
1. Meanwhile  
2. Jimmy jimmy  
Gorillaz - Song Machine, season one: strange timez lyrics Song Machine, season one: strange timez lyrics
Gorillaz - Song machine episode 1 lyrics Song machine episode 1 lyrics
Gorillaz - The now now lyrics
The now now lyrics 
The now now at The now now at wikipedia The now now at spotify
The now now lyrics
1. Humility  
2. Tranz  
3. Hollywood  
4. Kansas  
5. Sorcererz  
6. Idaho  
7. Lake zurich  
8. Magic city  
9. Fire flies  
10. One percent  
11. Souk eye  
Gorillaz - Humanz lyrics
Humanz lyrics 
Humanz at wikipedia
Humanz lyrics
Gorillaz - Demon days lyrics
Demon days lyrics 
Demon days at Demon days at wikipedia Demon days at spotify
Demon days lyrics
check here most of album and songs lyrics to Gorillaz music. Our databases have 7 albums and a total of 80 songs of Gorillaz lyrics. Feel free to contact us if you find something missing or wrong.

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