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Let?s get this party started lyrics by Korn

Korn Let?s get this party started lyrics
  • track 13 of 16, total running time
  • album Issues
  • released in 1999
  • produced by
  • record label
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Let?s get this party started song lyrics

When it's crying, takes me to a certain place which I don't often find
I see a family walking always thinking of being somewhere else in time
So I fall face down in a rut I can't seem to get out of
Please wake me, please give me some of it back, the feelings that I had  

Sometimes I wish I could be strong like you
It doesn't matter
Each time I wake I'm somehow feeling the truth
I can't handle  

Let's get this party started, I'm sick of begging you
You make me feel insane which I give to you
Let's get this party started, You make me feel insane
I want to be the one to make myself sane

Time is ticking, It makes me feel content with what I have inside
Constant paranoia surrounds me, Everyone I see is out to get me  
So I fall face down in a rut I can't seem to get out of
Please wake me, please give me some of it back the feelings that I had  

Sometimes I wish I could be strong like you
It doesn't matter
Each time I wake I'm somehow feeling the truth
I can't handle

Let's get this party started, I'm sick of begging you
You make me feel insane which I give to you
Let's get this party started, You make me feel insane
I want to be the one to make myself sane

You make me feel insane  

Sometimes I wish I could be strong like you
It doesn't matter
Each time I wake I'm somehow feeling the truth
I can't handle

Let's get this party started, I'm sick of begging you
You make me feel insane which I give to you
Let's get this party started, You make me feel insane
I want to be the one to make myself sane

More info about Let?s get this party started lyrics

check here the lyrics for Let?s get this party started, the 13th song of the 16 recorded for the album Issues, with a total running time of , by Korn. It was released on via , and produced by .
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