Well look at this
I see clearly now
Look at this
I can feel it now
Is seldom found
Pop the pill
I'm so damn happy now
Feeling things crawl on me
I need my fix today
This is way beyond me
I can't live without you today
Well look at this
I see colors now
Look at this
I'm butt ugly now
Is seldom found
Pop the pill
I'm so damn happy now
Feeling things crawl on me
I need my fix today
This is way beyond me
I can't live without you today
You today, you today
I don't give out anything around me
Even all the love that surrounds me
Make me, Even me
I don't give out anything
I do this to shut off the voice
Within, within, within!
I don't give out anything
Feeling things crawl on me
I need my fix today
This is way beyond me
I can't live without you today
You today, you today, you today
Feeling things crawl on me
I need my fix today
This is way beyond me
I can't live without you today
More info about Pop A Pill lyrics
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lyrics for Pop A Pill, the 3th song of the 14 recorded for the album Korn III: Remember Who You Are, with a total running time of , by Korn. It was released on via , and produced by .