Metal and Rock lyrics from Rockalyrics. Find all the info, news and links to many bands, albums or songs. Browse by band from A to Z or search our lyrics database. The lyrics contained in this website are for educational and informational purposes only.
I, I am clearly broken and no one knows what to do
Pieces of the puzzle don't fit, so, I pound them into you
Itching is the pulse inside
Creeping out to come alive
Its just doing what its going to do
Times are looking grim these days
Holding onto everything
Its hard to draw the line
Shut the fuck up! Get up!
Shut the fuck up! Get up!
Shut the fuck up! Get up!
I can't wait to rip my eyes out and look at you
Peace through pain is precious especially when its done by you
Itching is the pulse inside
Creeping out to come alive
Its just doing what its going to do
Times are looking grim these days
Holding onto everything
Its hard to draw the line
And I'm, I'm hiding in this empty space
Tortured by my memories of what I've left behind
Shut the fuck up! Get up!
Shut the fuck up! Get up!
Shut the fuck up! Get up!
Times are looking grim these days
Holding onto everything
Its hard to draw the line
And I'm, I'm hiding in this empty space
Tortured by my memories of what I've left behind
Shut the fuck up! Get up!
Shut the fuck up! Get up!
Shut the fuck up! Get up!
check here the lyrics for Get up!, the 9th song of the 13 recorded for the album The path of totality, with a total running time of , by Korn. It was released on via , and produced by .